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Learning all the abbreviations, acronyms and shortened names at IGSL is like learning a new language.  Here are some of the most common ones that you will hear every day.


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ACR I-Card - Alien Certificate of Registration Identification Card (see I-Card)
ALC - Asian Leadership Center, the building where most classrooms, offices and our gym are located
ALC Dorm - Our third student dormitory (for single men), located at the lower right side of the ALC building
ALSI - Applied Learning for Strategic Impact, the 5-week field internship for students after their first year
BH - Bright House, our second student dormitory
BLA - Bright Lights Assistance, the team helping our students' children find suitable educational options
CCC - Campus Crusade for Christ (IGSL is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, or Cru)
CCT - Community Chapel Time, held every Tuesday for faculty, students and staff
CHEd - Commission on Higher Education, Philippine Department of Education's division for graduate schools
Cru - The new name of Campus Crusade for Christ in many countries
(some still use Campus Crusade for Christ)
Cru Global - The new name of Campus Crusade for Christ International
DMin - Doctor of Ministry degree
EH - Ezra House, our faculty housing building
EIT - English Intensive Training, a program to equip selected students for IGSL degree programs next year
EPT - English Proficiency Test, IGSL's own English assessment tool for IGSL student applicants
FCL - Foundations for Christian Leadership, off-site certificate-level training for pastors and leaders
GPA - Grade point average. IGSL grades on a 4 point scale, with 4.0 being the highest possible GPA
HIT - High Impact Training, training programs developed by our students in "Teaching and Leading HIT" class
I-Card - Identification Card, issued by Bureau of Immigration for international faculty/students (see ACR)
JRRC - Josiah Reading and Resource Center, our children's library in the Bright House Extension building
LDHR - Leadership Development and Human Resources, the strategic team that focuses on faculty and staff
LH - Lighthouse, our first student dormitory
LI - Leader Impact, the strategic team that focuses on students' ministry skills development
LIFE - Leadership, Influence, Finances, Expertise -
department that connects with IGSL's ministry partners (MP)
LM - Life Mentoring, the strategic team that focuses on students' character development
LP - Leadership Programs, the strategic team that focuses on students' academic development
LT - Leadership Team, the seven-member team that provides leadership for IGSL

MABS - Master of Arts in Biblical Studies degree
MATL - Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership degree
MDiv - Master of Divinity degree
MP - Ministry Partners, the people who support IGSL as a whole, or who support individual faculty
MPD - Ministry Partner Development, time set aside for faculty to connect with old and new ministry partners
- Alumni Onward, the faculty department which connects with and ministers to our IGSL graduates
Ops - Operations, the strategic team that stewards IGSL's resources such as buildings, vehicles and finances
OTP - Office of the President
PIM - Partners in Ministry, a certificate-level training program for IGSL student wives and other pastors' wives

PIMEX - Partners in Ministry Extension, off-site certificate-level training for pastors' wives
SBLT - Student Body Leadership Team 
SESA - Southeast and South Asia, the region where IGSL is located under Cru Global 
SET - Special English Training, a program for students who need help in English composition and grammar
SET-TV - Succeeding and Exceling Together Toward Vision/Values, a tool for faculty time use stewardship
TAM - Target Area Ministry or Target Audience Ministry, our students' weekly practical field ministry
TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other L
anguages, four-week summer training to equip English teachers
ThM - Master of Theology degree
360 - A performance evaluation tool used by LDHR to provide feedback to IGSL faculty
47a2 - Special Non-Immigrant Visa, the visa held by IGSL's international faculty and students

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