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Advanced Studies Guidelines

Faculty teaching in the degree program should pursue degrees beyond M.Div. The following policy is developed as an expression of IGSL's desire to help faculty in this pursuit by providing a subsidy to help cover the cost of tuition.


The subsidy is contingent on the availability of funds. Though IGSL's leadership is committed to raising these funds, only God can provide them. Thus, the advanced study subsidy is an expression of a desire, not a promise. It should be seen as a blessing, not a privilege.


The following policies were based on feedback of faculty and discussion with the leadership. They provide standardized procedures and policies to make decisions fairly and consistently.


What is the procedure to avail of the subsidy?


1.  Talk to the LDHR Director about your desire to pursue advanced studies. Read the Advanced Studies Guidelines carefully.

2.  Discuss your desire for advanced study with your sending organization. Find out their policy regarding study leave. Before proceeding, get the approval of your sending organization in writing.

3.  Discuss with your Strategic Team Leader, Discipline Chair, and other informed people of possible degrees and institutions.

4.  Inform LDHR Director of the recommendations of your Strategic Team Leader.

5.  Complete the Advanced Studies Request Form. After a clear and final decision has been made in collaboration with LDHR, the Discipline Chair, and the Leadership Programs Director, secure approval for the degree using the Advanced Study Contract, to be signed by all parties concerned. This agreement will stipulate the responsibilities of IGSL and the faculty member. Key items included in the agreement are:


  • A description of the degree, institution

  • The type of study leave (full-time or part-time)

  • The timeline expected to complete the degree. This includes both course work and dissertation.

  • The financial cost and obligations of the program. The projected time line of expenses should be given, indicating the amount committed by IGSL and the amount to be developed from other sources by the faculty.

  • The “Guardian” of the advance study faculty member helps ensure that he is guarded from excessive responsibilities that may hinder the completion of the degree in the specified time. The guardian will also help the faculty keep on track with the timeline indicated in the Advance Study Agreement. This person will be from LDHR team or be designated by LDHR Director.

  • The “Mentor” provides expertise. This person should be chosen and challenged from among the IGSL faculty by the advanced study faculty. The mentor need not be officially recognized by the school providing the degree.


6. Fill out Payment Request Forms for subsidy when needed and submit to LDHR.

7. Clear all advances using the Liquidation Form from the Finance with official receipts.


Who should get subsidy? These funds are designed to assist Asian full-time faculty from developing countries who are seeking additional training to enhance their effectiveness in their IGSL responsibilities. Though this subsidy prioritizes Asian faculty, others may be assisted in certain ways such as the graduation fee, and textbooks.


What are valid subsidy expenses?


Tuition is the top priority. The chart below provides guidelines for determining the level of tuition subsidy.

Books may be allowed as part of the subsidy for certain situations. The chart below also provides guidelines for determining the level of book subsidy.

Living expenses/housing. If donors outside IGSL cover tuition, IGSL may provide subsidy for living/housing expenses. The basic guidelines governing this type of subsidy are:


  • Tuition must be completely covered by sources outside of IGSL before considering living/housing subsidy.

  • Living/housing subsidy is only for those going abroad to reside.

  • The amount of subsidy will be determined in consideration of the location and living expenses.

  • The maximum amount of living/housing allowance is $500/mo.

  • The legitimacy and amount of living/housing subsidy will be determined by LT.

  • The total amount of subsidy cannot exceed the maximum amount of support (see below) given by IGSL.


Transportation expenses are not considered a valid subsidy for those on full-time study leave. However, those on part-time study leave may receive subsidy according to policies listed below.


What is the basis for determining the subsidy amount? An amount of $12,000 (twelve thousand USD) is the maximum amount of subsidy for any one faculty member. This amount sets limits and is not intended to be a guaranteed amount.


Based on need. In general, only the faculty with legitimate needs should receive support. Faculty who are already fully supported by other means or have the means of raising support, do not qualify for subsidy.


Percentage of tuition cost. The decided percentage plus the fixed maximum amount provides control on the amount each person gets. In addition, percentages will be determined in part upon the following:


  • The location of the schooling (Philippines, Asia, US)

  • The study leave status (full-time, part-time with IGSL teaching, IGSL ThM/DMin)


The table below summarizes the percentages according to the above criteria.


Full-time study leave means the faculty is taking a full load in a non-modular program.

Part-time study leave means a faculty member still holds IGSL responsibilities such as teaching and leading ISG.


What are some guidelines for choosing the degree? The primary issues to consider in choosing a degree are its alignment with IGSL’s calling and its fit with person’s gifts, abilities and IGSL responsibilities. Each faculty member should have the capacity to handle the demands and time constraints of the degree successfully. Pursuing a degree that places excessive stress on a person’s family, body, and spiritual life is discouraged. Consideration of a person’s passions is important, but secondary to IGSL’s calling and the faculty member’s gifts and abilities.


What are the guidelines for choosing the school? The credibility of the school in relation to IGSL’s calling and, the school’s Statement of Faith should be evaluated first. The location, cost, mode of delivery, and time necessary to complete the degree are also considerations.


How many years should a faculty member serve before pursuing a degree?


Full-time study leave. If a faculty member is leaving IGSL to pursue full-time an advanced degree, he/she should have served at least three years at IGSL from the time he/she reports after completion of support raising. These years will allow the faculty to grow as a leader, teacher, mentor, and coach. It will also all give the faculty a broader context in which to understand his/her gifting, passions, and interests before choosing a degree and school.


Part-time study leave. If a faculty remains at IGSL while studying, then the three years guideline may be legitimately reduced, depending on the case. In this situation the faculty will continue to have an ongoing involvement at IGSL that will provide a fresher context to apply the studies. Those who begin after less than three years must have had extensive past involvement at IGSL as an adjunct or student. Faculty not yet exposed to IGSL’s culture will benefit from a more intense exposure of three years before pursuing studies.


How many years should a faculty member serve IGSL after receiving the degree? The number of years to complete the degree and the financial support received from IGSL determines the number of years faculty must serve at IGSL after completing the degree. For part-time study leaves, the “number of years to complete the degree” will be computed in terms of a full-load schedule.


The chart below summarized the policies for different types of study leaves and levels of IGSL support. 

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