Applied Learning for Strategic Impact (ALSI)
The ALSI experience is a five-week internship with a team of six to seven fellow freshmen students during the first summer break at IGSL. ALSI exposes students in a real-life ministry environment and provides opportunities to develop their character, leadership and ministry skills in the context of Great Commission ministry.
The purpose of ALSI is to provide a real-life ministry environment that focuses on developing Christ-like team leadership skills of team-building, decision making, and conflict resolution in the context of Great Commission ministry. ALSI integrates the learning from the foundational courses in a team and Win-Build-Train-Send (WBTS) environment, and in an intensive and focused period of time. The team’s composition is formed by the LI team during the first semester and the potential internship sites will be determined as well.
All teams are led by students along with a team leader and assistant leader. Prospective student team leaders will be interviewed and chosen during the second semester. Each team works under a local church ministry or a sector helping implement strategies of Win-Build-Train-Send. The funds for the internship expenses are all raised by the students depending on the location of their ALSI sites.
Prerequisite class: LDS102 — Building Disciples in A Movement Context. Ideally, students enrolling in ALSI should have finished all their Core Courses.