There are four documents that IGSL faculty members sign each year. This is a way of re-affirming our commitment to what we believe and how we serve our community. It's a chance to say "We still do."
Click on the heading of each section to read the related documents for that section. After reading all the documents, go to this form to indicate your agreement and commitment.
IGSL seeks to glorify God by developing servant steward leaders for strategic impact in fulfilling the Great Commission. As IGSL faculty members, we commit ourselves to live lives that are above reproach and are consistent with biblical standards through the strength and grace of the Holy Spirit.
In addition, we commit ourselves to strive together to create a healthy working environment. Our Cultural Commitments and Behavioral Norms are designed to help make that happen.
Click on the heading at the left to read the Faculty Agreement.
Before God, and under accreditation requirements of the International Council for Higher Education (ICHE) Board, all adult members of the IGSL community are required to read and agree to abide by the following:
After reading the three documents, click on the heading at the left to read the Child and Youth Safe Campus Statement of Commitment.
The Statement of Faith of IGSL serves to unify the faculty and guides all teaching at the school. We are convinced that the doctrine of inspiration is the foundation for all Christian theology. Our strong statement concerning verbal-plenary inspiration, inerrancy, and the final authority of Scripture is given without apology. We allow for differences in areas not covered by the Statement of Faith.
Click on the heading at the left to read the IGSL Statement of Faith.​
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy is a document that was drafted in 1978 by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. It includes a Short Statement of five points at the beginning of the document, and a longer section called Articles of Affirmation and Denial. IGSL faculty are required to affirm the Chicago Statement.
Click on the heading at the left to read the Chicago Statement. After reading the document, go to the “Faculty Commitments” form and indicate your agreement and affirmation.