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Faculty Development

IGSL focuses on helping faculty members grow both personally and professionally. Because we expect faculty members to model lifelong learning, we do our best to facilitate that. From time to time, opportunities for training in character, skills, and professional development will be offered. We encourage all faculty members to participate in these opportunities, and to seek out other avenues to learn to flourish even more as teachers and leaders.

Personal Leadership Development Process — Each faculty will have an opportunity to go through a Personal Leadership Development Process of assessing needs, planning priority development areas, being equipped in those areas, and experiencing the growth they desire. The LDHR team will facilitate this process on a yearly basis.  See the LDHR (Succeeding and Excelling Together) section of this hand book for more details.


Enrichment Opportunities — Faculty members are given opportunities to attend seminars offered locally, regionally, or internationally related to their area of interest/expertise and personal development plans. The IGSL Financial Policy provides guidelines regarding how faculty members can obtain a subsidy for approved enrichment opportunities.


Faculty Meetings — Faculty meetings are designed to foster mutual encouragement, provide direction, and serve as a forum for discussion. Attendance of full-time faculty is expected. If you are unable to attend a faculty meeting, you should inform the Executive Director immediately after realizing that there is a schedule conflict. Special meetings may also be called from time to time. Should this occur, the Administrative Assistant will inform faculty members via e-mail or Slack.


Faculty Gathering — The Faculty Gathering is held before each new semester begins to provide a time for alignment as a team, as well as refreshment and inspiration for the coming year. It is a required activity for all full-time faculty. Associates, affiliates and adjunct faculty are invited to come if possible.

Faculty Resources — Faculty should continually identify quality books and journals that will build the library. If a faculty member wants to have the library order a book or journal for its holdings, he or she should complete a Library Book Request Form and give it to the Head Librarian who will check if it has already been ordered. If not, it will be sent to the appropriate department chair for approval.


Advanced Studies — IGSL applauds the efforts of faculty members who pursue further education to develop their credentials and to improve their expertise for the ministry. The plans for further studies should be developed in collaboration with the sending organization/agency and the IGSL’s LDHR. The Advanced Studies Guidelines provides direction for pursuing advanced degrees.


Writing and Publishing — Faculty members writing articles on topics of interest to them is an excellent way to minister to the body of Christ and to develop IGSL's credibility. Full-time faculty members should talk with their Academic Discipline Chair and/or the Director of Leadership Programs about ideas for writing and submitting articles as well as scheduling considerations (with LDHR consultation).

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