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Ministry Week

Near the end of the first semester of each school year, IGSL students and faculty members and IGSL staff are involved in extended outreaches of four to five days called Ministry Weeks. The purpose of Ministry Week is to provide a ministry environment that focuses on developing the student’s character, philosophy, and ministry skills through intentional faculty modeling within the ISG in the context of a Great Commission team ministry.   


These outreaches allow students to minister with their fellow ISG members where they can experience a “missionary atmosphere” in a Great Commission ministry team context. One of the major benefits of ministry week is repetition. Students have the opportunity to practice and participate in the important aspects of ministry such as empowering team members, developing plans, implementing strategies, and evaluating results multiple times while at IGSL. Students learn skills of ministry and teamwork and develop a greater passion for reaching the world for Christ. Ministry week is led by students. Students will be given an opportunity to be a leader/assistant leader of a Ministry Week. Leaders’ trainings during the first semester help prepare the Ministry Week leaders.

One of the benefits of ministry week is that the faculty members step back and allow their ISG members to take the leadership. This may feel awkward at first, but it yields many benefits. The students are empowered and experience the joy of taking faith steps as leaders. The faculty can observe the students’ skills in real-life ministry situations, giving good opportunities for coaching and mentoring later. And the students see servant-steward leadership in action, as the faculty submits to the student leader, removing the power distance.


All those enrolled in the Community Involvement (ISG) Credit are expected to attend unless given permission by the Office of LI and LM. (Degree mothers are required to attend only one ministry week for an MA and two ministry weeks for an MDiv. Degree wives without children are expected to meet the normal requirements).

Ministry Week
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