Target Area Ministry
A Target Area Ministry (TAM) is a Great Commission ministry that includes strategies in winning, building, training, and sending believers to a specific target audience/area. The purpose of TAM is to provide a ministry environment that focuses on empowering students to take initiative and ownership (within the context of a team) and in a long-term WINNING, BUILDING, TRAINING, and SENDING (WBTS) process of making disciples who make disciples in a key sector of society.
TAM allows each student to be involved in a personal ministry of making disciples who make disciples. All students will be involved in a target area at the beginning of their first semester classes until they finish what is required of them (for MA 4 credits & for M Div 6 credits).
TAMs are grouped under targeted sectors that IGSL is able to impact through Great Commission ministries. Existing sectors for TAM include education/campus (college and high school), church (including church planting), marketplace (businesses), and government (PNPA and military).
Target area ministry should be done as a team with other IGSL students and/or local church/members. Teams provide an avenue to be mentored, encouraged, and supported as each member’s gifts and experiences contribute to the mutual goal of making disciples who make disciples. Each team will develop a Strategic Target Area Ministry Plan (STAMP) together for their ministry site. The planning process will help prepare students to make contextualized plans for their future ministries.
In addition, each student will submit a TAM Reflection (TR) at the end of each semester. The TR provides an avenue for students to share life-changing stories, and communicate how they contributed personally to the target area ministry. Greater explanation of both the STAMP and TR will be given during orientations and classes.
Target area ministry is perhaps the most powerful environment to prepare IGSL students for their future ministry because of its continuity. TAM helps equip students to develop and implement contextualized Great Commission ministry plans as a team in a specific target area.
Degree mothers will be assigned on a different day than their husband’s TAM day. Degree wives without children are expected to meet the normal requirements for the TAM.